Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Semiotic Theory

Semiotic Theory is the relationship between a sign, an object and the meaning behind it, when a person interprets the sign they believe that the sign represents the object. The sign is the interpretant which means that is the representation of the object; according to C. Morris people are the interpreters of signs and interpretations are concluded through three stages:

  • Perception: when a person becomes aware of the sign in front of them.
  • Manipulation: when a person interprets the sign and decides how to react or respond to it.
  • Consummation: when a person responds to the sign

Denotation is the literal meaning of the sign, this can be referred to the dictionary definition of the sign. Denotation can be contrasted to connotation if the sign doesn't have the same connotation as the denotation.

Connotation is the person that is viewing the sign and there personal opinion of what it portrays as. The connotation contrasts with the denotation depending on the sign.

lana-del-rey-nme.jpg                                                                                 I have used this front cover of the NME with Lana Del Rey as we can see several expressions and these are intepreted through Connotation and Denotation. For example the Denotation of this image is that Lana Del Rey is standing in front of an American flag but the connotation is that Lana Del Rey is an American idol. Also another Denotation is Lana Del Rey standing with her tongue out and her eyebrows raised but a connotation of this is that she has strange characteristics and is as she says in the interview a 'psycho'.

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