Monday, 12 May 2014
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Thursday, 17 April 2014
My Inspirations for my Front Cover, Contents Page & Double-Page spread
This was my inspiration for my front cover of my magazine, I used the same house style of the colours Red, White & Black as this front cover however I feel this is more an attractive magazine front cover compared to mine. I used no codes and conventions such as cover lines and buzz words as I felt that the image on my front cover was more important and so should be made more clear.

This was my inspiration for my contents page, I used the same layout as this for my contents page. I did this because it was easy to make and it didn't have too much on the page so it was appealing to the audience.
This was my inspiration for my Double Page spread, I used the same layout with the left side of the page covered with an image and the right side covered with text. However my Double-Page spread's right side looks very different to my inspirations but it follows some similar patterns with columns and a quote from the text.
The making of my music magazine
I created my magazine on Adobe Photoshop. I did this because I am quite acquainted with the software and I felt my magazine would have looked better than using the other software that some of my classmates did, Adobe InDesign. There are negatives however to using Photoshop as the layout isn't as perfectly aligned as on InDesign but in Photoshop, images can be edited to look clearer.

My Target Audience
People that would read my magazine would listen to the Indie Rock genre of music, this genre includes acts such as The Black Keys, Arctic Monkeys and Oasis. They would also listen to older artists such as The Jam, The Rolling Stones and The Stone Roses.
Target Audience of my magazine
I would say the target audience of my magazine will be young adults and teenagers. They would obviously be interested more so in the Indie genre of music and would shop at places such as Pull and Bear, Topman, Pretty Green & Fred Perry, these clothing lines target there clothes at people who match my audience concept.

My audience concept would be very similar to the NME's.
My audience concept would be very similar to the NME's.
Propps For Double Page Spread.
Here is the T-shirt that Tom is wearing on my Double Page spread, It is a white Levis's T-shirt. The image of Tom was taken on an Iphone 4s camera in front of a Green screen in the media room
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Idea of my Double Page spread
After looking at several Double Page spreads in magazines such as Nme and Q. I have decided what the layout of my magazines Double Page spread will look like. It will have a image on the left hand side of the page of the person on my front cover and on the right hand side it will have a big title and then text in columns. It will also include a quote from the text. I might even include a foreword and I will use features such as drop capitals.

This is what I would like my double page spread to like

This is what I would like my double page spread to like
Examples Of Double Page Spreads

This is a picture of a typical double page spread which would be shown in a music magazine such as Nme or Q or one like mine.The image is of David Bowie, a musical artist that would normally been seen in a indie rock music magazine.
This is an Double Page spread of the British band, Arctic Monkeys
This is a double page spread of the musician, Bob Marley
Final Contents Page
This is my final contents page which includes codes and conventions of an average music magazine contents page such as images and a subscription box
Production Log
People who are included in my magazine are:
- Thomas Whittaker - Front Cover and Double Page Spread
- Joe Law - Contents Page
- Ollie Irving - Contents Page
- Alex Laidlaw - Contents Page
All my images where taken by myself
Friday, 4 April 2014
Audience Profiles
The audience profile for the Nme on the IPC media website is as follows:
The guy whose uniform includes woven shirts, narrow ties and vintage-style accessories. Who’s downloaded Arctic Monkeys to his iPod and Lucy Pinder to his phone.
Today’s young and affluent men are discerning, media-elusive individuals who take their media on their own terms, both by content and delivery platform. IPC Media is a leading content provider for today’s man. Operating across multiple platforms and experiential events IPCs iconic brands truly connect with young men offering what they want, when they want it and provide advertisers with multiple contact points to connect with and influence, the 18-34 year old male
The audience Profile for Q magazine is as follows on this link:
Final Front Cover
This is my final image for my music magazine front cover. I used codes and conventions of a music magazine such as a barcode and a banner. On my front cover I haven't used any text so the image becomes clearer and I have used a house style of Red, White and Black
The Making Of My Music Magazine
For My music magazine I used Adobe Photoshop. In my media class many students used Adobe Indesign but I used Photoshop as I am quite used to the software and can use many of its features with ease. I thought that if I used Photoshop I would make less mistakes than I would with using indesign.
NME circulation
NME saw a 9.1% decline in its circulation over the second half of last year, taking it to 18,184.
The weekly mag’s average circulation stood at 20,011 in June 2013. The latest ABC NME figure of just over 18,000 represents a 21.1% decline year-on-year from 23,049 in December 2012.
However NME is still a very successful music magazine and NME publishing director Jo Smalley said that 2013 was a good year for the NME brand.
“2013 has been a hugely successful year for NME," he said. "Print advertising revenues during the JD 2013 ABC period were up 23% period-on-period and up 49% year-on-year.
"Digital advertising revenues were up 32% PoP and an eye-watering 72% YoY. It continues to be a tough trading climate for most publishers, but the NME brand, its 60+ years of heritage, its overall reach across multiple platforms and the way we help brands connect a young and valuable audience with live music experiences and events keeps NME in revenue growth.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Propps for my contents page
In my contents page and front cover of my magazine my classmate is wearing a black jacket from Zara, after searching the internet throughully I could not find the exact jacket he has but I did find a similiar one as shown above, The image was taken on an IPhone 4s camera and again I Feel the clothing suit my magazine and its genre
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Propps for contents page
In My contents page one of my classmates is wearing a Navy Penfield T-shirt except my classmates T-shirt has green where the white and purple is. I feel that this would also suit my magazine and its genre. The image was taken on a IPhone 4s camera in the green room in Cardinal Heenan school
Monday, 31 March 2014
Propps for my Contents Page
In my contents page one of my classmates is wearing a White Ralph Lauren Polo, I feel that this would suit my magazine and its genre. The image was taken on a IPhone 4s camera in the green room in Cardinal Heenan school
Updated Front Cover
Again I have edited my front cover and have lowered the contrast and gave it a black and white background, I have also Changed my text
Changes to Front cover
After criticism of my magazine front cover, I have edited my image and made it look not as stretched and gave it a clearer image
Monday, 24 March 2014
NME contents page for inspiration
I will be basing my magazine contents page on the layout of the average NME contents page such as this one, it will include similar codes and conventions as well
Monday, 10 March 2014
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Mock Up Magazine
Monday, 27 January 2014
Monday, 20 January 2014
Analysing a contents page of my chosen Music Genre magazine
This is my analysis of the NME magazines contents page I bought
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Monday, 6 January 2014
Analysing a Music Magazine using Voki
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